Customer ratings for Doctors stone botryoidal black banded agate XL

Doctors stone botryoidal black banded agate XL

Doctors stone botryoidal black banded agate XL


Price incl. VAT, local (UK) taxes, excludes delivery

Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 5

Highly recommend

from on 19/03/2019

Received my botryoidal dr stone very prompt delivery such a lovely stone to work with the energy you get is amazing highly recommend

Love my Doctors Stone

from on 17/08/2019

I purchased two Doctors Stones one for myself and one for my husband. We are both developing a relationship with this wonderful stone and working with them for meditation and healing purposes.

quietly amazing healer

from on 03/09/2020

At first I thought just yet another "healer", but this really is wonderful. It's not noisy or showy but has a huge energetic of deep knowledgeable compassionate healing. It doesn't ask questions but goes about it's business. It can be directed but is already on the job before you need to ask. I can honestly say that this combined with the jumbo apache tear I also bought have brought me great release and a wave of joy. I carry this stone in a pouch, with sugilite, and have noticed an increase in my optimism, joy and freedom from -ve influences.
Classic view

Prices incl. VAT, local (UK) taxes, excludes delivery