

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. Where two or more lines of energy (meridians or nadis) cross within the body a chakra exists. They appear like wheels or swirling balls of energy to those people who see energies – hence the name. These are the centres which control the flow and balance of energy in the body.

Each chakra correlates to specific parts of the body, organs and glands. Most Eastern traditions describe a chakra system consisting of seven centres. These are known as the “major chakras”. At the same time various traditions acknowledge differing large numbers of minor chakras that exist throughout the body. All of these chakras, both the major and the minor ones, can go in and out of balance and alignment and naturally do all the time. Sometimes they go so far out that they take a long time to come back into balance/alignment by themselves. This is when one needs healing.

It is useful to find the chakras physically on yourself. To do this place your hand(s), and allow yourself to focus your mind, on the areas identified below. You will recognise a sensation, either in your hands or your body, but whichever, you will notice a difference. Some people identify this “difference” as warmth, coolness or a tingling sensation – it does not matter and there are many other descriptions too.

Base – around the coccyx, the small triangular bone at the base of the spine. The energy here can be felt on the front or back of the body.

Sacral – just below the belly button. Try placing your thumb on your belly button with your palm on your tummy and your sacral chakra will be under the palm of your hand.

Solar plexus – behind the soft cartilage at bottom of breast bone, the point on the upper abdomen just below where the ribs separate.

Heart – heart in the centre of the chest.

Throat – near the bottom in the centre of the throat.

Brow – centre of forehead, above eyebrows (also known as third eye).

Crown – top of head.

These are the locations of the seven major chakras. There are many minor ones. Some people say up to 440, but we will only consider these major seven in the meditations on this album.

Each chakra enhances certain qualities on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When all the chakras are both balanced and aligned many positive benefits can be felt.

The chakras link to the following concepts:

Base – survival, feelings of good health, abundance, connection to the Earth and moving forward in life.

Sacral – feelings of connection to other people, creativity and energy storage.

Solar plexus – developed and useable personal power, emotional control, the physical centre of the body.

Heart – feelings of safety, ability to trust, take risks, love yourself and Universal Love.

Throat – communication.

Brow – mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, intuitive and psychic abilities.

Crown – spiritual centre, connection, imagination and awareness.

There is a column of subtle energy that runs through the centre of your physical body. It runs from the crown of the head to the perineum (the area mid-way between the anus and the genitals). This energetic column connects the chakras to each other and allows them to interact. The chakras also interact with your aura (the energy field surrounding your body), allowing a continuous exchange of energy between you and the outside world.

A healthy chakra is a flexible chakra, vibrating, opening, closing, going slightly in and out of balance. Where there is disease, the energy in the chakra becomes inflexible or actually blocked so it doesn’t flow. Working with your chakras can correct and even prevent this and therefore aid physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Base Chakra

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is the survival centre, supporting vitality, physical energy and self preservation. In certain traditions it is the place where the resting kundalini is stored. It is the centre through which we experience our connection to the earth and the earth plane. A healthy base chakra will keep you grounded and help you move forward in life.


Will power, survival, family, safety, security, nurture, focus on necessity, ability to stand up for yourself, feeling at home.


Suprarenal and gonads

Physical dysfunctions

Chronic lower back pain, varicose veins, sciatica, rectal and anal problems and immune disorders are associated with imbalance in the base chakra.




Red jasper, spinel, haematite, obsidian

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is located just below the navel. It is the centre of creativity, desire, sexual emotion and sexuality. It stimulates the creative life force which is required for existing in the physical world. Some traditions say that this force is the basis for life itself. This is where we store good healthy energy for future use when needed. There is a difference between fatty tissue, which can be converted to physical energy, and this creative life force.


Innocence, sex, personal control, creativity, ethics and honour in relationships are all associated with this chakra.



Physical dysfunctions

Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynaecological problems, disorders around the pelvic girdle, sexual potency and urinary problems may be a result of imbalance.




Carnelian, calcite (orange)

Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is located at the solar plexus, in the middle of the body below the breast bone. It is the centre of personal power, ambition, desire and emotion. Touch and feelings are processed through the solar plexus chakra, hence the phrase “gut feeling”. It is said that when healthy, this chakra emits a protective cleansing energy dispersing any negative energy stored in any of the other chakras. It is the physical centre of the body, the point of “centring” where we come to stillness.


Trust, bravery, strength, self-esteem, confidence, self-respect, care for yourself and others, nurturing, responsibility for decisions, sensitivity to criticism and honour.



Physical dysfunctions

Arthritis, gastric ulcers, colon and intestinal disorders, diabetes, indigestion, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, liver problems, adrenal dysfunction.




Citrine, tigers eye, amber, yellow jasper, imperial topaz

Heart Chakra

Located in the centre of the chest, the fourth chakra is the centre of love and compassion. It relates to your connection to everyone and everything around you. Spirituality, in the sense of “oneness with all that is”, is a key concept of love. The heart chakra links all the other chakras with love, resulting, for example, in a bridge between the analytical mind and the feeling heart.


Love, self-centeredness, commitment, forgiveness, compassion, hope and trust are all balanced in the heart chakra.



Physical dysfunctions Heart conditions, asthma, some allergies, lung diseases, bronchial pneumonia, upper back and shoulder problems, breast and chest problems.


Green (Some people assign a secondary colour of pink, but please note that this only ties in with the concept of love and, although important, is not the vibration of the heart chakra.)


Emerald, malachite, aventurine, amazonite, bloodstone, peridot, rose quartz, morganite

Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra, located in the middle of the neck above the collar bone, is the centre of communication and creative expression. It not only relates to verbal communication, but also physical (body language) and mental (telepathic) contact.


Choice and strength of will, personal expression, following one’s dreams, creation, addiction, judgement, faith, knowledge and the capacity to make decisions.


Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus

Physical dysfunctions

Sore throat, loss of voice, laryngitis, inflammatory disorders of the pharynx, tonsillitis, both over and under active thyroid, mouth ulcers, teeth and gum conditions, headaches and ear infections are related to imbalance in the throat chakra.


Blue – light, pale and bright blues


Blue lace agate, Kyanite, blue chalcedony, chalcanthite

Brow Chakra
The sixth chakra, also known as the third eye, is located in the centre of the forehead above the eyebrows. It is the centre of intuition, intellect, personal magnetism and light. This is where creativity and inspiration combine. Psychic abilities and gifts are also centred here. It facilitates intuition and stimulates wisdom. When healthy and balanced it helps to remove negative and selfish attitudes.

Honesty, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to new ideas and ideals, ability to learn from experience and intelligence are all promoted by a balanced brow chakra.


Physical dysfunctions
Brain, mind and neurological disorders, eyesight, hearing, spinal problems, learning disabilities and seizures can all be the result of an imbalanced brow chakra.


Lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite

Crown Chakra
Located at the top of the head and also known as the seventh chakra, the crown chakra is the centre of spirituality, enlightenment and dynamic thought. It facilitates the flow of wisdom to you from the universe and connects you to the cosmic consciousness of all that is. When it’s healthy and balanced, it is a source of knowing, helping you to see the truth, illusion, ideals, self-defeating materialistic pursuits and how to balance spirituality in the physical world, self-limiting concepts, pride and vanity. It allows you to detach from your emotions and experience genuine self-awareness.

The ability to trust life and see the bigger picture is a key quality. Values, ethics, courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, inspiration, spirituality and devotion are all lodged in the crown chakra.


Physical dysfunctions
Energetic disorders, depression, extreme sensitivity to your environment.


Amethyst, charoite

Quartz and tourmaline crystals can be worked with to balance any chakra.

Chakra image from The Little Crystal Meditation Album design by Clookai Design published by Paradise Music

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