1 Market Place
St Albans
There are no workshops running the centre has closed. Please follow this link for local Crystal Courses and Workshops
WORKSHOPS, COURSES & GROUPS scroll to the bottom of this page for Monday Nights, Meditation Group, Celebration Nights and ongoing groups
Saturdays & Sundays
One and two day weekend workshops on many different subjects.
Workshops at iSiS
Reiki 1
2-day course with Lyn Palmer
Saturday & Sunday Future dates SEE LINK ABOVE
This Reiki First Degree course introduces and attunes you to the flow of Reiki energy and its healing system. It teaches you how to heal yourself, others, and your surroundings within the present moment. It will also lead you on to the next step of your own personal path of growth and self-development. The Reiki energy becomes a wonderful foundation for all that you practice in life. Reiki is not a religion; there is no creed or dogma involved and anyone can do it. It is a tried and tested form of hands on healing. What you put in is what you take out ten-fold!
Crystals & Crystal Healing Part 1
With Philip Permutt
Crystals have a wonderful natural energy of their own. They are easy to work with for self healing, self development and treating clients. This course weekend will involve discussions and practical work with crystals, how they work, what they do and how to work with them. The course covers: How crystals work, crystals in modern technology, Quartz crystal for pain relief, Sensing crystal energy, How to personally work with crystals, A basic understanding of chakras, Laying on of stones, Pendulum dowsing, Selecting crystals, Gridding the body, Quartz stars, Amethyst trails, Activating crystals with master crystal, and much more.We will also explore the many ways that crystals link to other therapies such as Reiki. This is the same course as Philip Permutt has been running for the past 17 years, now adapted to be completed over a weekend and is the basis of Philip Permutt's book The Crystal Healer. The course is certified. £120
Laughter Yoga
with Lotte Mikkelsen
Saturday & Sunday contact 07736 341717 for details dates and times
Power Animals Workshop
Power Animals are energy patterns that are already within you which can
be called upon when certain strengths or abilities are needed. They
look after you, keep you in balance, empower you and give you
confidence. We will be working with Animal Cards and Shamanic Journeys
to discover which Power Animals you need in your life now. We all have
a Principle Power Animal and Totem Animal as well. We will discuss the
general abilities of the Power Animals that come through for you today,
and question - how can they help? - what strengths do you need at this
time? - how do you do work with them? - what ability might you need
now? This will be an interesting and powerful workshop and therefore
numbers will be limited. Please bring a notebook and pen and a scarf or
similar to cover your eyes whilst 'journeying'.
New to Mondays
Reiki Share with Lyn Palmer, SEE LINK ABOVE
Introduction to Reiki with Lyn Palmer
Have you ever wondered what Reiki is all about? This evening is a chance for you to find out more about the wonderful healing energy. Whether you are interested in having treatments for yourself or learning self-healing and how you can work with Reiki to heal others this evening is a chance for you to find out and ask any questions you may have to an experienced Reiki Master.
Laughter Medicine with Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Medicine has proven to be a popular prescription!
Since October 2004 we have laughed on a regular basis in ISIS Crystals and we are exicted to be continuing in 2010!
Years of research shows that a good laugh everyday helps to reduce stress, raise your mood, and remove social barriers. People who laugh a lot enjoy better health, better relationships and are far better at coping with stress. Research also shows that we laugh 30 times more when we are with other people than on our own.
This two-hour Monday evening talk is an interactive workshop designed for people who wish to find ways of bringing more laughter into their lives. It is a fun-packed mix of laughter exercises, meditation, breathing techniques, games, and talk - all about laughter!
The evening starts at 8:00pm, we finish just before 10:00pm and if we get it right... it should carry on forever!
Book early!
Introduction to Shamanism with Philip Permutt
Hypnosis and the power of the unconscious mind with Lyn Palmer
Reiki for Animals with Lyn Palmer
Meditation Group
This meditation class has changed to a bi-weekly group. It will run on alternate weeks next dates NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING, with Philip Permutt.7 - 8pm
Relax and develop your awareness and spiritual connection, learn different Meditation Techniques. Turn on, Tune in and seriously feel better. On going group join any week - ADVANCE BOOKINGS ONLY DURING THE SUMMER.
£8.50 one week - just turn up or £30 for 5 sessions booked in advance (alternate weeks over 10 week period)..
Introduction to Shamanism
Starting NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING,. This amazingly popular course covers how to cleanse and purify ourselves and our surroundings, the learning of breathing techniques, and how to strengthen and protect the aura. We will discover the Medicine Wheel and the four Cardinal Directions including Totem Animals and the Elements. The Shamans 'Tools', the Drum and the Rattle. Journeying to other levels of awareness where teachings and wisdom are accessed. All this and more in a safe and supportive environment. All you need is a notebook and pen and a scarf or similar to cover your eyes when 'journeying'.
Shamanism Monthly Group
2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month. 7.30 - 9.30pm
For anyone who has completed a shamanism course or weekend workshop at iSiS or a similar course elsewhere.
These monthly meetings will give us the opportunity to meet and discuss your shamanic path. Join group drumming, journeying, ceremony and other workings. You can pre-book or just turn up on the night.
Philip Permutt (The Crystal Healer)
Crystals & Crystal Healing Part 1
With Philip Permutt
Saturday & Sunday next date tba 10.30am - 5pm both days
Crystals have a wonderful natural energy of their own. They are easy to work with for self healing, self development and treating clients. This course weekend will involve discussions and practical work with crystals, how they work, what they do and how to work with them. The course covers: How crystals work, crystals in modern technology, Quartz crystal for pain relief, Sensing crystal energy, How to personally work with crystals, A basic understanding of chakras, Laying on of stones, Pendulum dowsing, Selecting crystals, Gridding the body, Quartz stars, Amethyst trails, Activating crystals with master crystal, and much more.We will also explore the many ways that crystals link to other therapies such as Reiki. This is the same course as Philip Permutt has been running for the past 17 years, now adapted to be completed over a weekend and is the basis of Philip Permutt's book The Crystal Healer. The course is certified.
Crystals & Crystal Healing Part 2
Practitioners Course
With Philip Permutt
Saturday & Sunday next date tba 10.30am - 5pm both days
Designed for people who have completed Crystals & Crystal Healing Part 1 or a similar course elsewhere and wish to become Crystal Healers or add Crystal Healing to other therapies they already practice. The course brings new healing techniques and prepares you for treating clients confidently. Full course notes will be provided. There is course work and feedback which need to be completed before certification. £175
Crystal Master Teachers course
With Philip Permutt
Saturday and Sunday next date tba 2010 10am - 5pm both days
Are you ready to pass your crystal knowledge onto others? If so this course is for you. All the skills you need to teach Crystals & Crystal Healing parts 1 & 2 and present professional talks and workshops. Student and teaching notes to both courses are provided. There will be individual and group work with lots of practical exercises. You will, as always, experience another level of self-healing. It is recommended that you have completed the crystal healing courses at iSiS or a similar course elsewhere.
Philip Permutt is the owner of iSiS and author of the international best sellers The Crystal Healer and The Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures. His latest book The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing was published in March 2009. He has recorded Crystal Workshop cd and The Little Crystal Meditation Album. Philip has also recorded many meditation cds including The Little Meditation Album Series.
How to Meditate - Meditation Course with Philip Permutt
8 week course starting next date NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING,8.15 - 9.45pm
Learn how to meditate with experienced meditation teacher Philip Permutt. Find out about the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits of regular meditation practice. Discover ancient and modern meditations from Philip's eclectic meditation school and how simple, wonderful and life changing meditation can be.
Meditation is the basis of personal understanding of every spiritual tradition around the world. It is also the fundamental process of all modern stress management techniques. Each week Philip will unfold more understanding and introduce you to new meditations and techniques so your ability and knowledge grow. Out of many options that you are taught, you select the meditations that fit your lifestyle best. By the end of the 8 week course you will have a meditation programme that suits you to practice for the rest of your life.
Philip is an author, has recorded many meditation CDs, including the internationally acclaimed best selling The Little Meditation Album and owns iSiS in St Albans. He has been practising meditation since the 1970's and teaching from 1994.
Look out for the Crystal Chakra Healing course being run as a weekend workshop Next date to be announced soon...
Crystal Chakra Healing with Philip Permutt £8.50
A practical evening workshop introducing the concepts behind Philip Permutt's latest book The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing. Focusing on the body's energy system, the aura, chakras and meridians and specific crystals which can help heal many conditions of the body, mind and spirit. Crystal Chakra Healing is 21st century energy medicine for mind, body and spirit. This system takes crystal healing a step beyond philip's first book The Crystal Healer into a new dimension. Philip will be around at the end of the evening to answer specific questions and sign copies of all his books.
Laughter Yoga
with Lotte Mikkelsen
contact 07736 341717 for
Medicine Wheel Workshop
The Web of Life - Medicine is knowledge, wholeness and power, Wheel is the universal symbol of the everlasting circle.
Come along to this fascinating trip around the Medicine Wheel, visiting
the four cardinal directions and all their associations including Totem
Animals, elements, colours, seasons, crystals and more.
The Wheel is also a map of the 'Self'. When we change directions or our
mind we see things differently or from another angle, we expand our
consciousness which helps to give us knowledge of the true purpose of
our life and to find our own 'Medicine'.
Which direction do you need to work with?
Did you know that you already have Power Animals, Plants and other
Totems that have been with you since your birth? So come along and find
out what the Medicine Wheel means to you and how we can work with and
learn from the forces of Nature with respect.
Please bring notebook and pen, and give your date of birth (not year) when booking.
Indian Head Massage Training
holistic therapy derived from ancient Ayurvedic art dating back some
4000 years. Working on the upper-back, neck, head, shoulders, face, and
scalp, it works on physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual
levels and represents a de-stressing programme for mind, body and
spirit. Benefits include:
Alleviates stress, anxiety and depression and promotes psychological well being.
Re-balances the energy flow to the body.
Relieves muscle tension/muscular spasms.
Improved lymphatic drainage, eliminating toxins.
Improves joint movements and mobility.
Revitalises the whole body.
Improves concentration.
Promotes hair growth.
one day of training will provide you with the necessary knowledge and
skills to treat friends and family. Combining both theory and practical
work, you will have plenty of opportunity for practical hands on work,
allowing you to gain confidence in practising this wonderful art. Oil
will be provided on the day but please bring a towel large enough to
wrap around your for modesty. Manual also included
Next date to be advised Indigo Children with Gary Mannion NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING,
Ever wondered what indigos are?
In my talk I will cover what Indigos are, When they first started to
enter the earth plane, How they are different from everyone else, How
to tell if someone is an Indigo, why so many are being clased as ADHD
or ADD, why drugs like Ritalin are bad for them, how they are linked
with the assention in 2012, Techniques that can be used instad of
drugs. This and much more
Shamanism Part 2
10-30 - 5pm both days
This weekend is suitable for anyone who has completed the Introduction to Shamanism at Isis or a similar course elsewhere. The teachings will be at a deeper level and you will learn advanced techniques for self-realisation and healing. Self knowledge is an important part of Shamanism and we will be meeting some of our other 'selves' and discovering the roles they play in our lives. We will be 'journeying' to other levels of awareness to help us on our path and you will be shown how to 'journey' for another person. We will work with Power Animals, Teachers and Guides to get a greater understanding of them and to help interpret the 'journey'. All this and more in a safe and supportive environment. Please bring a notebook and pen, a scarf or similar to cover your eyes whilst 'journeying' and a drum or rattle if you have one. (we have spares).
Introduction To Shamanism
next date tba
Reiki 1
2-day course with Lyn Palmer
next date tba
10.30am - 5pm both days
Reiki 2
with Lyn Palmer
next date tba 10.30am - 5pm both days
In Reiki first Degree you learn about the Reiki Universal energy and its application. At Reiki Second Degree level you are attuned to and learn how to apply sacred ancient and powerful symbols that enhance your healing, personal development and allow you to facilitate absent healing, along with applying these energies to every aspect of your life, from your surroundings to all that you consume. Reiki second Degree teaches you how to work with the past, present and future; it enhances your healing potential and takes you to another level of awareness and understanding.
Crystal Reiki
with Philip Permutt and Lyn Palmer
next date tba
10.30am - 5pmnext date tba Drumming Circle
"Rhythm is the pulse of life and it affects all physical energies”.
It’s true! Scientists are now sitting up and taking notice after a study showed that after one hour of group drumming even non-drummers were able to improve their immune systems, lower stress levels, be more creative and have more energy. So if you’ve got a drum but have never played it, or would like to join others for a group drumming experience now is your chance. We also have spare drums and percussion instruments for those of you without a drum who would like to join in. No previous experience needed to enjoy the benefit from this evening. You can just come along to listen and experience. Experienced drummers welcome too!
next date tba Shamanic Healing
The Drum, Rattle, Shamanic Journeys, Power Animals, crystals, aura strengthening and balancing are just some of the many Shamanic paths worked for healing and balance. This evening will be looking at a variety of Shamanic techniques some of which are simple, but powerful, healing and balancing exercises that you can easily learn and do for yourself.
next date tba Laughter Medicine with Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Medicine has proven to be a popular prescription!
Since October 2004 we have laughed on a regular basis in ISIS Crystals and we are exicted to be continuing in 2010!
Years of research shows that a good laugh everyday helps to reduce stress, raise your mood, and remove social barriers. People who laugh a lot enjoy better health, better relationships and are far better at coping with stress. Research also shows that we laugh 30 times more when we are with other people than on our own.
This two-hour Monday evening talk is an interactive workshop designed for people who wish to find ways of bringing more laughter into their lives. It is a fun-packed mix of laughter exercises, meditation, breathing techniques, games, and talk - all about laughter!
The evening starts at 8:00pm, we finish just before 10:00pm and if we get it right... it should carry on forever!
Book early!