Shungite crystal bowl 5cm

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Shungite crystal bowl 5cm. Generic photo Shungite crystal bowl sold individually, you will receive a shungite bowl similar to those in the photograph. Shungite crystal bowl sold individually.
Black or brown cryptocrystalline rock (made of perfect microscopic crystals) opaque, lustrous, metallic
Common source: Top quality shungite is only found in the Zazhoginskoye deposit near Lake Onega in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West Russia. (lower quality shungite is available from Austria, India, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kazakhstan)
Common alternative names; fullerite, fullerene, bucky balls, Buckminsterfullerene
Astrological associations: cancer
Chakra: all
Crystal qualities of shungite: Crystal Healers believe shungite can help stress related allergies, cleanses and purifies mind body and spirit, protection, EMF, geopathic stress, balance, emotional and spiritual recovery from illness, regeneration, growth, stress and emotional pain relief. You will discover many more benefits for yourself as you work with your shungite crystal.

Shungite crystal bowl, shungite bowl, fullerite, fullerene, bucky balls, Buckminsterfullerene

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Prices incl. VAT, local (UK) taxes, excludes delivery

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