Please note that while the descriptions of the properties, qualities and meanings of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine and do not imply a Guarantee of effect. Crystals and crystal healing may offer a treatment which is supportive of your healing, they do not offer a direct cure to physical ailments as they work on the vital energy level. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness. Although there is little scientific evidence of the efficacy of crystal healing, there has been very little research conducted and in our experience many people benefit from the energy of crystals.
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Currently unavailable
BRAND NEW - Boost Your Confidence, Feel Good & Be Inspired Monday 7:30 - 9:30pm July 3rd 2023 St Albans
Join Nicci Roscoe to boost your confidnce, in a brand new workshop, created to help you feel good and be inspired using crystals and meditation.
Unlock the potential in you.
With over 40 years' experience in wellbeing behind her, as therapist, teacher, TV and radio health and fitness presenter, Nicci Roscoe is an amazing therapist and teacher in her own right working with both adults and children, employing her Mind Medication process, which includes: crystal healing, Reiki, meditation, Life Coaching, NLP and other approaches as needed. Nicci is a Crystal Master Teacher, reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Master NLP Practitioner, Buisness and Life Coaching Diploma Accredited by The International Institute Of Coaching.
She is available for 1-2-1 treatments and private classes in most of these modalities in St Albans.
Book here online or +44 7378 872619 The Crystal Healer. Payment is due at time of booking and is non-refundable. (If you are unable to attend after booking and let us know before the event we will transfer your booking to the next available date for this or any other of Philip's workshops.) Book online, by phone The Crystal Healer +44 7378 872619 or in person.
Venue: The Crystal Healer F1, Unit 1, The Verulam Estate, 224 London Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 1JB
Boost your confidence workshop, confidence boost, crystal healing, meditation, Philip Permutt, The Crystal Healer, St Albans
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